Pars Enterprise LTD

By admin, 1 January, 2015

  Certificate of Incorporation   Certificate of Data Protection   Founder & CEO webpage


Data Protection [Register of Data Controllers]

Pars Enterprise LTD is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office ensuring that we follow correct procedures and security regarding data/information we hold.

View the Certificate and Registration Entry Details at

Protecting your data. Registration No. ZB023725

We are Experienced in Security

Having a sophisticated brand requires professional web cyber security services, We are aware that legal entities always rely on reliable legal entities.

Pars Enterprise was launched by the middle of 2009 with the purpose of implementing hardened operating systems in field of information security and Open-source software, one of our primary goals is to securing personal computers including cloud services.

Welcome to PARS, where innovation, protection, and growth converge seamlessly! PARS is not just a brand registration services company; we are your comprehensive partner in both fortifying your brand identity and propelling your business to new horizons.

At PARS, we recognize the pivotal role brand registration plays in securing your intellectual property. Our dedicated team combines expertise in brand registration services with a strategic business development approach, offering you a holistic solution to navigate the intricate landscape of the business world.

Whether you are a budding startup seeking to establish a strong brand foundation or an established enterprise aiming for sustainable growth, PARS is your one-stop destination. Our services encompass everything from securing your brand through meticulous registration processes to crafting business development strategies that position you for success.

With a commitment to excellence, PARS stands as the bridge between safeguarding your brand and unlocking its full potential. Let us guide you on a journey where your brand not only stands protected but also thrives and evolves in the dynamic marketplace. Choose PARS for a holistic approach to brand registration and business development, ensuring your success story is written with precision and purpose.

Pars Enterprise Security Legal Team

At PARS, our commitment to excellence extends beyond our core business operations to encompass our robust legal team. Comprising seasoned attorneys and legal professionals, the PARS Legal Team serves as the backbone of our organizational integrity and compliance.

Our lawyers are dedicated to providing strategic legal counsel that aligns with our mission to innovate and lead in our industry. They navigate the complex regulatory landscapes with precision, ensuring that PARS operates within the bounds of the law while driving forward our business objectives. From handling intricate corporate transactions to safeguarding intellectual property, our legal experts are integral to protecting our interests and those of our clients and stakeholders.

With a proactive approach to risk management and a deep understanding of the legal challenges in our sector, the PARS Legal Team exemplifies the highest standards of professionalism and expertise. Their unwavering dedication ensures that PARS not only meets but exceeds the legal and ethical expectations of our global community.