Refund Policy

By admin, 1 January, 2015

Thanks for purchasing our products (or subscribing to our services) at

Refunds for the payments of physical products that we provide (computers or peripherals) cannot be made since they will be checked before delivery.

Refunds for the payments of digital services that we provide (rental of dedicated server or VPS, providing of software license) cannot be made.

In case the order is already paid, but the server was ordered by mistake (for example, the customer had chosen the wrong location or wrong server characteristics), the refund is impossible if the server had been already delivered to the customer.

Such a condition for usage was established by us based on the specifics of the provision of such digital services and the conditions of cooperation with our partners.

At the same time, our Customer can get money back after investigation from our side and only in such cases:

  • when making an erroneous payment (due to the fault of Customers banking organization), for example if the payment was mistakenly duplicated; 
  • if the service was not provided within the period indicated on the website and the сustomer does not agree to wait for an additional period mentioned by Customer Support Team;
  • the payment is overdue and the Customer is not satisfied with the proposed service, as an alternative to the terminated one; we accept no liability should our inability to take a payment cause an account to become overdue; please ensure you receive a payment confirmation on the expected date according to ā€œSuspension and terminationā€ of Hosting Acceptable Use Policy.

To fulfill a refund request, the Customer must contact within 7 days after the payment was processed. We can return the money to the internal balance of your Pars Enterprise account (that can be used to purchase our other services) or make a refund through the payment system through which the payment was made by the Customer. Refund will be processed within 7 days after the request. The term of receipt of funds by the Customer will depend on the original method of payment. Š”onfirmation of a purchase or erroneous payment by the issuing bank of the client is required to consider the issue of a refund.

It is important to note that in accordance with point 8.5 of our Public Offer, we may refuse a refund request if the Customer has violated the terms of use. If the Customer cancels the service before it renews the following prepaid period (in accordance with the billing cycle selected by the Customer during the making order), access to the service ends when the prepaid period is over. Even if the Customer does not use the service for that time, thereā€™s still no refund issued.

In cases not specified in this document, you can contact us via email and discuss your emerged issue.