H vocabularies

By admin, 29 May, 2024

hard link
1. A mechanism that allows the ln command to assign more than one name to a 
file. Both the new name and the file being linked must be in the same file system. 
2. The default result of using the ln command. 
See also symbolic link
hashed passwd database
An indexed database containing the contents of the passwd file. The indexed 
database minimizes the search time needed to retrieve information. 
A method of transforming a search key into an address for the purpose of storing
and retrieving items of data. 
HBA (Host Bus Adapter)
The hardware and microcode that provides the interface between system 
memory and a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus. 
A command that displays a user-specifiable number of lines from the beginning 
of a text file. 
See also tail
header file
See include file
hidden character
A character in the ASCII character set that is not printable; for example, the DEL 
and ESC characters. 
hidden file
A file whose name begins with a period. by default, the ls command omits such 
files from its listings. 
In the C shell and the Korn shell, a command that displays the user's history list. 
history list
In the C shell and the Korn shell, a listing of the most recent commands entered 
by the user. Commands in the history list are available for recall, modification, and
An environment variable containing the absolute pathname of the user's home 
See also $home, environment variable
A process variable containing the absolute pathname of the user's home 
See also $HOME, process variable
home directory
A directory that is owned by a specific user and from which that user's other 
directories descend in a hierarchy. Also known as a login directory.
See also working directory
1. The primary or controlling computer in a communications network. 
2. A computer attached to a network. 
Host Bus Adapter
See HBA (Host Bus Adapter)
host name
The name given to a computer on the network. 
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
The coding (markup) inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web 
browser that tells the browser how to display a Web page's words. The markup is 
done with tags, which are command words enclosed in angle brackets. For 
example, the tag <P> creates a new paragraph; the tag <TABLE> begins the 
formatting of a table. Although the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) promotes 
the standardization of HTML, both Netscape and Microsoft browsers currently 
implement some features differently and provide nonstandard extensions. 
HyperText Markup Language
See HTML (HyperText Markup Language)