I vocabularies

By admin, 29 May, 2024

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
A host-to-host protocol from the Internet Protocol suite that controls errors and 
the operations of the Internet Protocol (IP). 
See also IP (Internet Protocol)
A C language precompiler directive specifying interpolation of a named file into 
the file being compiled. The interpolated file is a standard header file (indicated 
by placing its name in angle brackets) or any other file containing C language 
code (indicated by placing its name in double quotation marks). For example: 
#include <header_file.h>
#include "myfile.c"
The absolute pathname of header files whose names are placed in angle brackets
(<>) is /usr/include/file.h. 
See also include file
include file
A text file that contains declarations used by a group of functions, programs, or 
users. Also known as a header file. 
See also #include
incremental backup
The process of copying files that have been opened for reasons other than readonly access since the last backup was created and that meet the backup 
frequency criteria. 
infinite loop
A source code error that causes the program to continually repeat the same set 
of instructions. For example, Instruction A sends the program execution to 
Instruction B, which in turn sends the program execution back to instruction A. 
Such a loop can only be interrupted by intervention from outside the program. 
The command given by a UNIX system as the final step in the boot procedure. 
init process
A process created by the system that performs system administration tasks, such 
as spawning login processes and handling the orderly shutdown from multiuser 
to single-user mode. 
inline editing
A feature of some shells that allows users to edit a current or previously entered 
command line. 
The internal structure that describes the individual files in the operating system. 
There is one inode for each file. An inode contains the node, type, owner, and 
location of a file. A table of inodes is stored near the beginning of a file system. 
inode number
A number specifying a particular inode file in the file system. 
Data to be processed. 
input redirection
The specification of an input source other than standard input. 
The part of a computer program that tells the computer what function to perform
at that stage. 
International Standards Organization
See ISO (International Standards Organization)
1. A collection of computing networks consisting of participants from major 
research institutions, universities, and government labs, including the National 
Science Foundation (NSF) and the NFSnet regional organizations. The Internet is 
not a commercial product, but rather a large project in support of research. 
2. internet A collection of connected networks using the Internet Protocol (IP). 
internet address
A unique 32-bit number that identifies a host's connection to an internet network.
An internet address consists of a network number and a host number. 
Internet Control Message Protocol
See ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
Internet domain name system
The domain name system of the Internet, which consists of the following 
categories of hosts: COM, EDU, GOV, MIL, NET, ORG, and ARPA. 
See also communication domain, domain name system, Internet
Internet Protocol
See IP (Internet Protocol)
A program that interprets and executes programs written in a particular source 
language. Interpreted programs execute more slowly than compiled programs 
because the interpreter is performing two operations at once. The UNIX shells are
See also compiler
1. An event that causes a computer to digress from its normal processing stream 
in order to respond to the condition that triggered the digression. Upon 
completion of the digression, the normal processing stream is resumed at the 
point of interruption. Interrupts can be caused either by software instructions or 
by hardware events such as the completion of an I/O operation. 
2. To trigger an interrupt. 
interrupt handler
Code in a program or operating system that performs actions in response to an 
IP (Internet Protocol)
The network layer protocol for the Internet protocol suite that provides the basis 
for the connectionless, best-effort packet delivery service. IP includes the Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP) as an integral part. The Internet protocol suite is
referred to as TCP/IP because IP is one of the two most fundamental protocols. 
IP gateway
See IP router
IP router
A host that connects two or more internet networks. The IP router knows how to 
reach all the hosts on the networks to which it is attached. Also known as an IP 
ISO (International Standards Organization)
An international body composed of the national standards organizations of 89 
countries. ISO issues standards on a vast number of goods and services, 
including networking software. 
To perform the same function repeatedly on different data, often with the object 
of arriving at a result by successively closer approximation.