What is SPAM?

By admin, 13 May, 2024

Spam is defined as overwhelming or fraudulent web mail or web site commenting that is meant to overload a system, annoy a site owner, or ruin the content of a web site. If a web site is not properly moderated it can quickly be overrun with spam of all types. Spam affects your online efforts because it wastes time as you try to clear it from your web site or inbox.

Most spammers will post spam comments on your posts, causing your web pages to become inundated with spam, which can be difficult to get rid of. Other spammers will send you a lot of emails through the contact us form of your web site. Fortunately, there are tools within your web hosting account that can prevent spam from accumulating. If you are experiencing an influx of spam then you may want to contact your web hosting company to enquire about ways to prevent it from happening again.

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