What are the disadvantages of shared hosting?

By admin, 13 May, 2024

Shared hosting also has many disadvantages. In fact, shared hosting has more disadvantage than any other kind of web hosting, simply because there are not as many server resources available to the webmaster. When web servers are shared by hundreds of web sites at the same time they begin to slow down. To uphold customer satisfaction web hosting providers have to keep strict restrictions in order to ensure optimal server functionality. In the process, many webmasters are limited in their ability to build comprehensive web sites.

Even though unexpected site crashes are a rare occurrence in the hosting industry, site downtime occurs regularly with shared hosting due to server maintenance. In order to keep hundreds of sites operating smoothly on a single web server, the hosting company has to perform administrative tasks to keep the servers clean and operating smoothly. When this happens, the servers are reset, and sites temporarily go offline for about 15 minutes to an hour. Such server resets only happen once every couple of weeks during the middle of the night; however, it can be a nuisance to site owners that have a lot of daily traffic at various times of the day, considering the global nature of the Internet.

If you need a comprehensive hosting plan that allows for expansion and fats site performance then you may want to consider another hosting type. Shared web hosting is ideal for new webmasters that need access to hosting for a minimal cost. If you have no experience and would like to start your own online business then shared web hosting may be perfect for you. If you are serious about the long term success of your online internet endeavors then you may want to examine other hosting options before selecting shared web hosting.

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