How does FreeBSD handle access control and user permissions?

By admin, 22 July, 2024

FreeBSD handles access control and user permissions through several mechanisms, including traditional UNIX file permissions, Access Control Lists (ACLs), and special security policies. Here's an overview of how these mechanisms work:

Traditional UNIX File Permissions

FreeBSD, like other UNIX-based systems, uses a traditional file permission model that includes three types of permissions for three categories of users:

Types of Permissions:
 Read (r):Permission to read the contents of the file or directory.
 Write (w):Permission to modify or delete the file or directory.
 Execute (x):Permission to execute the file (if it is a program) or to traverse the directory.

Categories of Users:
Owner: The user who owns the file.
Group: The group that owns the file.
Others: All other users.

The permissions are typically represented using a symbolic (rwx) or octal (numeric) format. For example, a permission setting of `rwxr-xr--` or `755` gives the owner all permissions, the group read and execute permissions, and others read permission only.

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

FreeBSD supports more granular permissions through Access Control Lists. ACLs allow permissions to be set for individual users and groups beyond the traditional owner-group-other model.

Using ACLs:
setfacl: Command to set ACLs on files or directories.
getfacl: Command to retrieve the ACLs of a file or directory.

For example, you can use `setfacl` to grant a specific user read access to a file:

setfacl -m u:username:r file.txt

Security Policies and MAC (Mandatory Access Control)

FreeBSD includes support for Mandatory Access Control, which enforces security policies that restrict the capabilities of programs and users more strictly than the traditional discretionary access control model.

MAC Framework:

  • FreeBSD provides a modular MAC framework that includes several modules for different types of policies, such as `mac_biba`, `mac_mls`, `mac_lomac`, and `mac_portacl`.

To enable MAC policies, you need to configure them in `/etc/rc.conf` and `/boot/loader.conf`, and possibly load the relevant kernel modules:

# /etc/rc.conf
# /boot/loader.conf

Capabilities and Privileges

FreeBSD allows fine-grained control over specific capabilities of processes using the `capabilities(7)` framework, which can restrict what a process can do, regardless of the user’s privileges.


FreeBSD also uses a feature called "jails" to create isolated environments. Jails provide a way to partition the operating system into several independent mini-systems, each with its own files, processes, and user accounts. Jails enhance security by limiting the scope of a security breach.


Traditional UNIX Permissions: Basic read, write, and execute permissions for owner, group, and others.
Access Control Lists (ACLs): Extended permissions for specific users and groups.
Mandatory Access Control (MAC):Enforces additional security policies.
Capabilities Framework: Controls specific actions that processes can perform.
Jails: Isolated environments for enhanced security.

These mechanisms provide robust and flexible ways to control access and manage permissions in FreeBSD, catering to a wide range of security requirements.

Term Reference
