Dedicated Hosting

Pars Enterprise Dedicated Hosting Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is a dedicated hosting?

A: As the name implies, a dedicated server is a private web server that is dedicated to a single person or company. Unlike shared or VPS hosting plans, the web server that is servicing your websites is not being used by anyone else.

Dedicated web servers are the envy of the web hosting industry, being the most powerful solution available for small to medium size online business owners. Many webmasters decide to purchase the cheapest web hosting plan available rather than shop around for the most suitable solution for their web site. Unfortunately, doing this will almost always result in an unnecessary upgrades later on, often at a time that is very inopportune for both the site owner and the site visitors.

Dedicated web hosting is the most powerful hosting type currently available to the public, other than cloud hosting which is generally a corporate solution. Dedicated hosting accounts are capable of hosting hundreds of web sites simultaneously without the need for additional features or services. If you are planning on building an online empire then you will definitely need a dedicated server.

With a dedicated server, you never have to worry about slow loading pages, site downtime or unnecessary limitations caused by a shared hosting environment.


Q: Who needs a dedicated hosting?

A: If you own a large business or dozens of successful websites, then you may want to consider upgrading to a dedicated hosting plan eventually. This is especially true if you are experiencing site down time or other performance issues with your current hosting plans.

If you are just getting involved in web hosting, using a dedicated hosting plan as your first web hosting experience is not recommended. Instead, you may want to start with a shared or VPS hosting plan, both of which are suitable solutions for small to medium sized businesses.

Q: Why dedicated server is the best option?

A: Dedicated web servers are servers that are devoted to a specific hosting account holder. This exclusivity, combined with the overall power of the web servers, make dedicated web servers the most powerful hosting solution available.

When you purchase a dedicated hosting plan you are actually leasing your own dedicated server at a remote location. Dedicated web servers offer the webmaster complete control over server resources, which includes software configuration, resource allocation and even server performance tuning. In fact, you practically own the dedicated server while renting your dedicated web hosting plan.

Dedicated web hosting is used by professional site owners that need the best kind of web hosting available. Dedicated servers are known in the web hosting industry as the most powerful and comprehensive web hosting on the market. If you demand the best for your online business then you may want to consider the incredible benefits of a dedicated server.

Q: What are the advantages of dedicated hosting?

A: Aside from the incredible capabilities of a dedicated server, there are plenty of other advantages associated with having a dedicated hosting plan. Most dedicated hosting plans come with multiple IP addresses, allowing you to place different websites on their own IP addresses, rather than sharing an IP address with hundreds of other website owners.

You also have complete control over the server's software configuration, which means you have the freedom to use any server-side application you'd like. In comparison to shared hosting plans that have unchangeable software configurations, the freedom of a dedicated hosting plan is far more desirable.

With a dedicated web server, you can push your site to the limits, adding thousands of pages of content and experiencing unlimited traffic levels with fast loading pages and almost no site downtime.

Q: How much does dedicated hosting cost?

A: If you were to purchase a dedicated web server it could cost you several thousand dollars, and you would have to find a place to store it, which would be an additional monthly fee for colocation services. Fortunately, there are dedicated hosting plans that let you lease a dedicated server without any commitment to purchase.

Dedicated hosting plans start at about $100 per month and go all the way up. As in every other industry, you'll undoubtedly get what you pay for. Most dedicated hosting plans cost about $300-$400 per month for a fully managed dedicated server.

It is important to decide whether or not it is necessary to purchase a dedicated hosting plan for your web sites. Surprisingly, many people purchase dedicated hosting and never use more than half of their server resources. Instead of spending a lot of money on dedicated hosting you may be able to save money by purchasing a less powerful plan that is more suitable for your online business.

Of course, unmanaged plans cost significantly less because the hosting company does not have to pay for the technical support associated with server maintenance. It is possible to find unmanaged hosting accounts for about $100-$120 in some cases. The cost usually depends upon the capabilities of the dedicated server being leased.

Q: Which is better – managed or unmanaged?

A: While all of the benefits of a dedicated server may sound great, it should be noted that there are two different kinds of dedicated server plans, and they are completely different in terms of ease of use. Which is better – managed or unmanaged dedicated hosting? The answer to this question depends entirely upon your experience with web servers, and your needs as a webmaster.

If you have no experience with server management then you will definitely need a fully managed dedicated web hosting account. Fully managed dedicated hosting plans cost a bit more than unmanaged hosting plans, simply because there is on site technical support and server administration included. with a managed dedicated hosting plan, you can relax and leave all of the complicated issues up to the hosting company.

If you are on a budget and have experience with web servers then you may be able to get by with unmanaged hosting. Unmanaged hosting is much cheaper, mainly because there are no added support costs associated with the service. An unmanaged dedicated hosting plan requires you to take care of the administrative tasks by yourself. This means you have to take care of all server maintenance responsibilities, such as resetting the server and making sure everything is operating smoothly. If you do not have the money to invest in a fully managed dedicated web hosting plan and you need plenty of server resources then you may want to consider the advantages of a VPS hosting plan instead. Cloud hosting is also another alternative for those in need of comprehensive web servers without the cost or maintenance issues of a dedicated server.

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