Knowledge Base

Pars Enterprise Knowledge Base Chapter

To install and configure a FAMP stack (FreeBSD, Apache, MySQL, PHP) on a FreeBSD-based system, you can follow these steps:

Install Apache:

sudo pkg update
sudo pkg install apache24

Start Apache:

sudo sysrc apache24_enable=YES
sudo service apache24 start

Install MySQL:

sudo pkg install mysql80-server

Start MySQL:

LAMP is an acronym that stands for The operating system on which the server runs. Linux provides the foundation for the LAMP stack

To install a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server on a Linux system, follow these general steps. These instructions assume you're using a Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu:

Update Your Package Lists: Before installing any new packages, it's always a good idea to update your system's package lists to ensure you're getting the latest versions.

Filesystem permissions of Unix-like system are defined for three categories of affected users.

  • The user who owns the file (u)
  • Other users in the group which the file belongs to (g)
  • All other users (o) also referred to as "world" and "everyone"

For the file, each corresponding permission allows following actions.

The mentioned packages and applications here are recommended to get provided on every fresh installed operating system for many security reasons as follows:

OpenNTPD: a Unix daemon implementing the Network Time Protocol to synchronize the local clock of a computer system with remote NTP servers. It is also able to act as an NTP server to NTP-compatible clients.

Adding GMT Clock Beside Local Time with Auto Synchronization Option

Selecting /home/ParsEnterprise/Background.png as Default Wallpaper Picture.

Application Style

KDE System Settings > Global Theme > Appearance > Application Style >> Breeze > Configure > Transparency > 50%

Plasma Style

Updates mechanism: receiving the latest generation of open-source kernels and cutting edge applications with the most recent updated manuals.

Cutting Edge Software: latest bugs fixed version of kernels and applications

Graphical environment: a modern and user friendly desktop with combination of the most popular native Qt engine applications and useful embedded shortcuts:

Boot & Encryption Backup

Cryptsetup Header Backup:

# cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/

Cryptsetup Header Restore:

# cryptsetup luksHeaderRestore /dev/

Check before restoring:

  • Full protection: securing entire platform via an strong data encryption method including system Boot volume with smart recovery and emergencies options:
  • Platform Full Encryption: Cryptsetup [Linux Kernel] - Geli [FreeBSD Kernel] with physical token

    In this scenario system Boot will be encrypted too and asking password will be on top of the platform before operating system starts then token authentication happens after that

An independent application library and installer and automatic dependency solver such as dpkg for Linux, pkgng for FreeBSD and pkgin for NetBSD:

Using dpkg for Binary Package Management


apt - command-line interface (Linux)


apt [-h] [-o=config_string] [-c=config_file] [-t=target_release] [-a=architecture] {list | search | show | update | install pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]... | remove pkg... | upgrade | full-upgrade | edit-sources | {-v | --version} | {-h | --help}}