Application Preferences

By admin, 2 April, 2020
  • Updates mechanism: receiving the latest generation of open-source kernels and cutting edge applications with the most recent updated manuals:
  • Cutting Edge Software: latest bugs fixed version of kernels and applications
  • Graphical environment: a modern and user friendly desktop with combination of the most popular native Qt engine applications and useful embedded shortcuts:
    • Using customized KDE Plasma Desktop as the main desktop environment combined with secure and lightweight Openbox window manager and qtCurve.
    • Creating an special menu with several entries and shortcuts to bring extra features for the users such as product certificate and signature.
    • Good Language Localization: supporting all available layouts & fonts
  • Applications user-land: installing and configuring collection of the most free and open source applications or programs in all categories via package managements:
    • Categorized Opensource Applications: development, education, games, graphics, internet, multimedia, office, science & math, system, utilities
    • Hardware Compatibility Drivers: sound, graphics, bluetooth, and many other pre-installed hardware firmwares
    • Open Multimedia Codecs: supporting all available formats such as Ogg and MKV via GStreamer

Pars Enterprise Platforms are approximately contains 30GB of pre-compiled programs and pri-installed applications:

  • Supporting most popular media formats with the latest hardware drivers or firmwares.
  • Office applications and complete productivity suites.
  • Customized for online gaming with the collection of most popular video games.
  • Development packages such as programming IDE and toolkits.
  • Scientific and educational applications for any type of research.
  • Graphical and multimedia creativity suites.
  • Full internet assistant packages to browse, download, contact and etc.
  • A bunch of most useful utilities for any type of work or job.
  • Complete & advanced system settings for controlling the entire OS.

Platform Initial Preparation

Debian testing fresh install including non-free firmwares on USB drive with the following parameters:

Hostname - wsx64 / Fullname - Pars Enterprise / Username - parsenterprise

Checking KDE plasma desktop & standard system utilities only during setup

Adding user to wheel or sudo group as a superuser via the following commands:

  • Login as root
  • Editing /etc/sudoers with Administration Privilege to:
    • # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command: %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    • Or executing: sudo usermod -a -G sudo

Linux Repository Preferences

Stable – Testing – Sid - Experimental

Editing /etc/apt/sources.list with Administration Privilege to:

deb testing main contrib non-free

deb-src testing main contrib non-free

deb testing-updates main contrib non-free

deb-src testing-updates main contrib non-free

deb testing-security main non-free

deb-src testing-security main non-free

Pinning Priority Preferences

Cutting edge userland from testing and kernel from sid releases of Debian Gnu/Linux.

Latest kernel installation and upgrading from sid repository:

Creating /etc/apt/apt.conf or /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99defaultrelease with Administration Privilege and the following parameters:

APT::Default-Release "testing";
APT::Cache-Limit "100000000";

Editing /etc/apt/sources.list with Administration Privilege to:

deb sid main contrib non-free

deb-src sid main contrib non-free

Creating /etc/apt/preferences.d/kernel-sid with Administration Privilege and the following parameters:

Package: linux-image-amd64

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 500

Package: linux-image-amd64

Pin: release a=sid

Pin-Priority: 990

-1 ignore the package and 900 and higher gives priority

Then executing sudo apt update

Finally check by command: sudo apt-cache policy linux-image-amd64

Installation via sudo apt install -t sid linux-image-amd64

Upgrading via sudo apt upgrade -t sid linux-image-amd64


# 500

# version available belonging to the target release or the installed

# version is more recent

Package: *

Pin: release a=stable

Pin-Priority: 900


# 100

# version available belonging to some other distribution or the installed

# version is more recent

Package: *

Pin: release a=testing

Pin-Priority: 400


# 0

# installed version of the package

Package: *

Pin: release a=unstable

Pin-Priority: 50


# 0

# installed version of the package

Package: *

Pin: release a=experimental

Pin-Priority: 1

Platform Initial Preparation

Writing FreeBSD iso to a blank disc via the following command (Recommended):

# dmesg | egrep -i 'cd|dvd'
# growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0=imagefile.iso

FreeBSD release fresh install including with the following parameters:

Hostname - wsx64 / Fullname - Pars Enterprise / Username - parsenterprise

Adding user to wheel or sudo group as a superuser via the following commands:

  1. Login as root
  2. Editing /usr/local/etc/sudoers with Administration Privilege to:
    • # Uncomment the following line to allow members of group wheel to execute any command: %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    • Or executing: sudo pw groupmod sudo -m

Editing /etc/sysctl.conf with Administration Privilege to:

Deleting .core Files in Home Directory

Prevent coredumps by editing /etc/sysctl.conf with Administration Privilege to:


or reroute them by: kern.corefile=/dev/null

FreeBSD Repository Preferences

Stable – Quarterly – Latest - Current

Editing /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf or /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf with Administration Privilege

Pars Enterprise Platforms /boot/loader.conf (/boot/defaults/loader.conf) Configurations


Pars Enterprise Platforms /etc/rc.conf (/etc/defaults/rc.conf) Configurations


Desktop Environment Installation

# pkg install x11/kde5

To instead build the KDE port, use the following command. Installing the port will provide a menu for selecting which components to install. KDE is a large application and will take some time to compile, even on a fast computer.

# cd /usr/ports/x11/kde5
# make install clean

or via installation disc or internet:

Create a /dist directory and mount the DVD.

# mkdir -p /dist
# mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /dist

Make sure REPOS_DIR is correctly pointing to your local repository.

# export REPOS_DIR=/dist/packages/repos

or for csh:

# setenv REPOS_DIR /dist/packages/repos

Bootstrap pkg and install packages.

# sudo pkg bootstrap
# sudo pkg install nano sudo xorg kde5 sddm octopkg xf86-video-intel

KDE requires /proc to be mounted. Add this line to /etc/fstab to mount this file system automatically during system startup:

proc /proc procfs rw 0 0

KDE uses D-Bus and HAL for a message bus and hardware abstraction. These applications are automatically installed as dependencies of KDE. Enable them in /etc/rc.conf so they will be started when the system boots:


Since KDE Plasma 5, the KDE Display Manager, KDM is no longer developed. A possible replacement is SDDM. To install it, type:

# pkg install x11/sddm

Add this line to /etc/rc.conf:


A second method for launching KDE is to type startx from the command line. For this to work, the following line is needed in ~/.xinitrc:

exec ck-launch-session startkde

A third method for starting KDE is through XDM. To do so, create an executable ~/.xsession as follows:

% echo "exec ck-launch-session startkde" > ~/.xsession

Once KDE is started, refer to its built-in help system for more information on how to use its various menus and applications.

LAME in FreeBSD is required by some of multimedia applications and needed to be installed manually from ports:

LAME is an highly evolved LGPL MP3 encoder with quality and speed able to rival state of the art commercial encoders.

To install the port: cd /usr/ports/audio/lame/ && make install clean

KDE Selected Packages

apt-transport-https: this APT transport allows the use of repositories accessed via the HTTP Secure protocol (HTTPS), also referred to as HTTP over TLS.

kde-full: KDE is the powerful, integrated, and easy-to-use Free Software desktop platform and suite of applications.

kde-telepathy: KDE Telepathy aims to integrate real-time communication and collaboration features into the KDE Plasma Workspaces. It provides means to connect to several instant messaging networks, chat with your friends and collaborate with them.

kde-config-systemd: This package is a KDE Control Center module for the systemd daemon. It is capable of starting and stopping systemd units. In addition, it allows for the configuration of several systemd parameters.

kde-config-plymouth: KDE systemsettings module to manage plymouth theming.

kde-style-qtcurve: QtCurve is a set of widget styles for Qt and GTK+ libraries. It provides a consistent look between KDE, GNOME and other applications based on these libraries, which is easy on the eyes and visually pleasing.

plasma-sddm-kcm: sddm-kcm is a KConfig Module (KCM) that integrates itself into KDE's System Settings and serves the purpose of configuring the Simple Desktop Display Manager (SDDM) - the recommended display manager for KDE Plasma.

plasma-browser-integration: Firefox, Chromium integration for Plasma.

Calligra Suite: a graphic art and office suite by KDE. It is available for desktop PCs, tablet computers, and smartphones. It contains applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, databases, vector graphics, and digital painting.

Latte: a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates it's contents by using parabolic zoom effect and tries to be there only when it is needed.

+ Pre-Installed Fonts Collection

Other Selected Packages

AQEMU: graphical interface used to manage QEMU and KVM virtual machines. It has a user-friendly interface and allows one to set up the majority of QEMU and KVM options.

Audacity: multi-track audio editor for Linux/Unix, MacOS and Windows. It is designed for easy recording, playing and editing of digital audio. Audacity features digital effects and spectrum analysis tools. Editing is very fast and provides unlimited undo/redo.

Bino: video player with support for a wide variety of stereoscopic video layouts and formats.

BleachBit: deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary files, cookies, and broken shortcuts.

Calibre: complete e-library solution. It includes library management, format conversion, news feeds to e-book conversion, e-book viewer and editor, and e-book reader sync features.

Darktable: manages your digital negatives in a database and lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable. it also enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.

DeVeDe: program to create video DVDs, suitable for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the formats supported by Mplayer.

Double Commander: cross platform Open-source file manager with two panels side by side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas.

DVBcut: allows you to select certain parts of an MPEG transport stream (as received via Digital Video Broadcasting, DVB) and save these parts into a single MPEG output file. It follows a `keyhole surgery'' approach where the input video and audio data is mostly kept unchanged, and only very few frames at the beginning and/or end of the selected range are re-encoded in order to obtain a valid MPEG file.

FontForge: a font editor. Use it to create, edit and convert fonts in OpenType, TrueType, UFO, CID-keyed, Multiple Master, and many other formats.

Firewall Builder: Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls, networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop operations.

Grub Customizer: graphical interface to configure GRUB2 and BURG. It can do changes for settings and menuentries easily.

HandBrake: versatile, easy-to-use tool for converting DVDs and other videos into H.264, XViD, or Ogg formatted media. It's particularly useful for making videos that are compatible with portable video devices such as the Apple iPod/iPhone or Sony PSP.

HPLIP-GUI: the HP Linux Printing and Imaging System provides full support for printing on most HP SFP (single function peripheral) inkjets and many LaserJets, and for scanning, sending faxes and for photo-card access on most HP MFP (multi-function peripheral) printers.

Hugin: panorama photo stitching program. Essentially, Hugin is a GUI frontend for Panorama Tools. Stitching is accomplished by using several overlapping photos taken from the same location, and using control points to align and transform the photos so that they can be blended together to form a larger image. Hugin allows for the easy creation of control points between two images, optimization of the image transforms, and much more.

Imagination: lightweight and user-friendly DVD slide show maker with a clean interface and few dependencies. It only requires the ffmpeg encoder to produce a movie to be burned with another application.

Inkscape: illustration editor which has everything needed to create professional-quality computer art. You can use it to make diagrams and illustrations, technical drawings, web graphics, clip art, icons and logos. A collection of hands-on tutorials show you how to combine lines, shapes and text of different types and styles to build up a picture.

ISO Master: open-source, easy to use, graphical CD image editor for Linux and BSD. Basically you can use this program to extract files from an ISO, add files to an ISO, and create bootable ISOs all in a graphical user interface.

Jitsi: a free open-source video conferencing for web & mobile. Make a call, launch on your own servers in minutes, integrate into your app, or develop something new.

Kodi: formerly known as XBMC is an award winning free and Open-source software media-player and entertainment hub for all your digital media.

Linphone: an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. It has a GTK+ and console interface, includes a large variety of audio and video codecs, and provides IM features.

luckyBackup: backs-up and/or synchronizes any directories with the power of rsync. Its main features are: backup, safety, synchronization, exclude/only include options, allows custom rsync options, remote connections, restore and dry-run operations, scheduling, profiles and command line mode.

LuminanceHDR: formerly Qtpfsgui, is graphics software used for the creation and manipulation of high-dynamic-range images.

MediaInfoGUI: a utility used for retrieving technical information and other metadata about audio or video files.

Mixxx: digital DJ system, where Wave, Ogg, FLAC and MP3 files can be mixed on a computer for use in live performances. Filters, crossfader, and speed control are provided. Mixxx can sync the 2 streams automatically, using an algorithm to detect the beat.

Mozilla Firefox: a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards.

Mozilla Thunderbird: a free and open-source, cross-platform email client, news client, RSS, and chat client developed by the Mozilla Foundation. The project strategy was modeled after that of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

NetworkMgr: FreeBSD graphical user interface network connection manager.

Onboard: On-screen Keyboard with macros, easy layout creation and word suggestion. This on-screen keyboard can be useful for tablet PC users, as well as for mobility impaired users.

OpenSCAD: software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It focuses on CAD aspects rather than artistic ones. OpenSCAD is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 3D-compiler that reads in a script file that describes the object and renders the 3D model from this script. This gives the designer full control over the modelling process and enables him to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designes that are defined by configurable parameters.

OpenShot: non-linear video editor. It can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video, audio, and image formats. Create videos for YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod, Xbox, and many more common formats!

ownCloud: the ownCloudSync system lets you always have your latest files wherever you are. Just specify one or more folders on the local machine to and a server to synchronize to. You can configure more computers to synchronize to the same server and any change to the files on one computer will silently and reliably flow across to every other.

Pithos: a cross-platform desktop client for the personalized web radio Pandora, supporting all important features the official Flash client has.

QtQR: a Qt based software that help you to generate QR codes easily, scan an image file for QR codes and decode them or use your webcam to scan a printed one.

Quassel: modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core. It's much like the popular combination of screen and a text-based IRC client such as WeeChat or irssi, but graphical.

soundKonverter: frontend to various audio converters. soundKonverter supports reading and writing tags for many formats, so the tags are preserved when converting files.

Stunnel: an open-source multi-platform application used to provide a universal TLS/SSL tunneling service. Stunnel can be used to provide secure encrypted connections for clients or servers that do not speak TLS or SSL natively.

SubtitleComposer: text-based subtitles editor supporting basic operations (text, time and style edition), realtime previewing and spell checking. Other fancy features are delaying all subtitles in the current subtitle file, checking errors or creating translations. Different backends (GStreamer, MPlayer, MPV, or Phonon) can be used to play the realtime video preview which helps to synchronize the subtitles.

SweetHome3D: interior design Java application for quickly choosing and placing furniture on a house 2D plan drawn by the end-user, with a 3D preview.

Transmission: set of lightweight BitTorrent clients (in GUI, CLI and daemon form). All its incarnations feature a very simple, intuitive interface on top on an efficient, cross-platform back-end.

Uget: formerly urlgfe, a simple, lightweight and easy-to-use download manager.

VirtManager: presents a summary view of running domains and their live performance & resource utilization statistics. A detailed view presents graphs showing performance & utilization over time. Ultimately it will allow creation of new domains, and configuration & adjustment of a domain's resource allocation & virtual hardware. Finally an embedded VNC client viewer presents a full graphical console to the guest domain.

VokoScreen: can be used to record educational videos, live recordings of browser, installation, videoconferences, etc. You can capture an alone video or video and sound (via ALSA or PulseAudio).

WinFF: graphical user interface for FFmpeg. It will convert almost any video file that FFmpeg will convert. WinFF does multiple files in multiple formats at one time. You can, for example, convert mpeg's, flv's, and mov's into avi's (or DVD/VCD format or MPEG or 3gp etc.) all at once.