O vocabularies

By admin, 29 May, 2024

object file
A nonexecutable intermediate binary file created by a compiler. Object files are 
frequently used as libraries, to provide precompiled program elements for use in 
compiling a complete executable binary. 
See also binary file, compiler
A number system that uses 8 as a base (radix). The octal system uses the digits 0 
through 7, and each digit position represents a power of 8. 
open system
A system that supports the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 
Reference Model for Open System Interconnection (OSI). 
Open Systems Interconnection
See also OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
In regular expressions, a character that is interpreted to mean something other 
than its literal meaning. For example, a pair of brackets ( [ ] ) form an operator 
that enables a single-character match on any one of the characters enclosed by 
the brackets. 
The process of selecting the specific method by which a program is to perform a 
given task such that the most effective use is made of time, I/O, or other 
1. An argument that controls how the shell executes a command. Options are 
usually preceded by a hyphen and appear with the command name on a 
command line; for example, ls -a. An option is often referred to as a flag 
2. An indicator or parameter that shows the setting of a switch. 
3. A character that signals the occurrence of some condition, such as the end of a 
4. An internal indicator that describes a condition to the CPU. 
OSF (Open Software Foundation)
A consortium of software vendors formed for the purpose of developing and 
marketing widely compatible UNIX systems based on a common set of features. 
A graphical user interface developed and licensed by the Open Software 
Foundation, Inc. OSF/Motif is based on the X Window System. Also called Motif.
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
A set of international standards developed by the International Organization for 
Standardization. The goal of the OSI is that different vendors' computer systems 
can interconnect. 
out-of-band data
See also expedited data, ETSDU
Usually, the user who creates a file. The owner has the right to change the list of 
users or groups who are permitted access to the file and the ways in which those 
users or groups may access the file. Ownership of a file can be reassigned by the 
system manager or superuser.