What is a domain name?

By admin, 13 May, 2024

Domain names are much like VIN number of a vehicle, there are no two that are exactly the same.

Domain names are the identity cards of the Internet, representing the face of each website. In basic terms, a domain name is simply the name of your web site. However, behind each domain name is a process that turns a local web address into a word or phrase that anyone can use to access your site from around the world. Domain name is a phrase or even just a word that people input in their browsers to be pointed directly to a specific web site.

Domain names actually originate as the IP address of your website, which is a number that appears in the following syntax – xx.xx.xxx.xx or 77.77.777.77. A domain name is perhaps one of the most important part of any website, because it is ultimately what the visitor will remember when they try to return to the site.

The ideal domain name is short, memorable and contains no dashes and/or numbers.

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